Charles Schwab Software Engineering Internship

Worked in the Trading Technologies team in Austin, Texas. Developed automation testing for the Mutual Fund trade pipeline using C#, .NET Framework, and SQL. Placed 1st in the Business Summit Challenge, for which my team created a product to solve a financial problem statement.

Peacock Software Engineering Internship

Worked on the DTC Software Development Team. Developed software around AWS Data Transfer and helped automate existing manual processes. My team practiced Agile Software Development and had daily standup meetings.

NBCUniversal Software Internship

Worked in the Operations and Technology department. Learned about GPG encryption and created software to automatically detect and export GPG keys nearing expiration. Created forms used by both NBCUniversal and external vendors for data transfer. Worked with a team of other interns to redesign the Media Technology website.

Chilifest Music Festival Builds Website (6,400 Users Since Launch)

React Web Application which allows Chilifest Music Festival Customers to view information on various builds before puchasing tickets. Developed a Firebase backend to allow users to create and delete postings to resell tickets. Worked with various fraternities and men's organizations to help users to compare prices, t-shirts, and amenities for each build.

Financial Investment Dashboard (Texas A&M Hackathon Winner)

Platform allows users to compare current stock prices, view analyst investment recommendations, and scrape the latest news on the internet about any chosen company. Incorporated firebase backend to allow users to sign in and save budgeting progress over time.

Live Air Traffic Tracker

Incorporated the AirLabs API to retreive real-time flight data. Implemented Cesium Ion graphics to develop a 3D visualization in order to enhance user experience. Features interactive element by allowing users to select any dsplayed flight to view destination, current altitude, and flight number.

Airport Social Distancing Tool

Developed a website to display the overall foot traffic for any given airport at any given time in order to help users stay safe from Covid-19 when booking flights. Created as part of the American Airlines Hackathon challenge, worked with JSON dataset provided by American Airlines.

Personal Experiences

Various officer, counselor and software roles have helped me develop extremely useful skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership. I intend to continue developing these important soft-skills through my future experiences.

Additional Links

Feel free to reach out and get in contact with me, as I always love hearing from new people!



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Connect with me on LinkedIn, I always love getting to connect with new people!



Take a look at some of my projects I have uploaded to GitHub.


Tableau Certificate

Completed a nine-hour Course. Developed Tableau Portfolio and created multiple visualizations.



View my a pdf copy of my resume to read about my experiences.


SQL Certificate

Completed a twenty-hour course. Analysed data using SQL and worked with the MySQL database.